Keys to understanding the Persian carpet

by Carl Suárez Nuckley

For the European tourist, Iran is the country of Persian carpets. But not all Persian carpets are Iranian, and not all Iranians are Persian. Here are some clues:

Persian Empire:
As is well known, the Persian Empire occupied an immense territory that included vast regions of Africa, Asia and Europe between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. Therefore, there are many styles that can be classified as Persian without belonging to the current geographical area of ​​Iran (ancient Persia).

Iran vs Persia
Is Iran Persia?
It was in 1935 that Reza Pahlavi, the only monarch to hold the titles of Shah of Persia and Shah of Iran at the same time, decided to change the name of his country to Iran.
This change was motivated by the ethnic wealth that the region enjoyed and that the name Persia did not correspond.

And why not Iran?
Iran could have been Iranestan, as well as other nearby areas such as Pakistan or Afghanistan.

However, in Persian, which is the country's official language, the suffix 'stan' does not refer to the entire territory, but only to some of its provinces, such as Lorestan, Kurdistan or Baluchistan.

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